Secondary Sources
*Click the links below for detailed bibliography entries
Johnson, Mary. Make Them Go Away. Louisville: Advocado, 2003. Print.
Make Them Go Away was very helpful to us because it gave us the opposing side to the American with Disabilities Act. This was very important, because it is useful to know what the other side
thinks, and helps us understand impact of the ADA on U.S. citizens better
Schweik, Susan M. Introduction. The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public. New York: New York UP, 2009. 1-20. Print.
The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public helped us create our Social Perception page. It gave us an idea of how disabled were treated before the ADA.The introduction gave us a detailed interpretation of the Ugly Laws. It explained what the Ugly Laws was, who was involved, and details about the States that adopted the law.
Make Them Go Away was very helpful to us because it gave us the opposing side to the American with Disabilities Act. This was very important, because it is useful to know what the other side
thinks, and helps us understand impact of the ADA on U.S. citizens better
Schweik, Susan M. Introduction. The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public. New York: New York UP, 2009. 1-20. Print.
The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public helped us create our Social Perception page. It gave us an idea of how disabled were treated before the ADA.The introduction gave us a detailed interpretation of the Ugly Laws. It explained what the Ugly Laws was, who was involved, and details about the States that adopted the law.
Schweik, Susan. "Interview with Professor." Skype Interview. 12 Mar. 2013.
Susan Schweik wrote "The Ugly Laws: Disability In Public", which was very helpful to us in understanding the social perception of the disabled before the ADA. Susan Schweik explained us understand the conditions people with disabilities had to live through before the ADA. She gave examples concerning their situation in education, employment, accessibility, and institutions. Because she is currently a professor at Berkeley she was also able to give us a clear breakdown of the Independent Living Movement and Ed Roberts.
Susan Schweik wrote "The Ugly Laws: Disability In Public", which was very helpful to us in understanding the social perception of the disabled before the ADA. Susan Schweik explained us understand the conditions people with disabilities had to live through before the ADA. She gave examples concerning their situation in education, employment, accessibility, and institutions. Because she is currently a professor at Berkeley she was also able to give us a clear breakdown of the Independent Living Movement and Ed Roberts.
1881 Cartoon Depiction of Disable Beggar. N.d. Photograph. Minnesota's Disability Community Newspaper « Access Press. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.
The picture portrays a disabled person begging in the streets. It shows two "able bodied" citizens encountering the beggar looking offended at the by his looks because he was disabled. This replicated what people thought of the disabled therefore why the "Ugly Laws" put in place.
2009 International Day. N.d. Photograph. Development Disabilities Association. Development Disabilities Association. Web. 24 Nov. 2012.
This picture is the poster for the 2009 International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This poster was displayed in the United Kingdom and in many other countries.
Accessible ATM Machine. N.d. Photograph. Business Today. Business Today. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This picture shows a disabled person in a wheelchair who is able to access an ATM machine because it is properly accommodated. This picture is after the ADA and it shows the improvements the ADA has made to society for disabled people including accessibility.
ADA and ADAAA. N.d. Photograph. Job Accommodation Network. Web. 13 Mar. 2013.
This picture explained the difference between the ADA and the ADA Amendments Act. The ADA Amendments Act added the clarification on the definition of disability.
Air Carrier Access. N.d. Photograph. Accessible Journies. Air Carrier Access Act. Accessible Journies. Web. 4 Nov. 2012.
This picture shows a disabled person carried into a airplane. The disabled were only able to get in to airplanes after the Air Carrier Access Act was passed in 1986.
Andrew Card. N.d. Photograph. Texas A&M University. Marketing & Communications News Archive. Texas A&M University. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of Andrew Card that we used in our interview page.
Bob Kafka. N.d. Photograph. Chicago-Sun Times. Web. 12 May 2013.
This is a picture of Bob Kafka. Bob Kafka was the co-founder of ADAPT of Texas and a major activist. He was part of the Capitol Protest which was the final push to get the ADA signed.
Braille Service Signs. N.d. Photograph. University of South Alabama Publication Services. University of South Alabama. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of service signs (restroom, stairway, etc.) that have braille writing underneath. It shows how currently there are many things done to help the disabled be better integrated into society.
Bremer, Terry. Getting A Foot In The Door. 1990. Photograph. Disability History Museum.Disability History Museum--Getting A Foot In The Door. NEC Foundation Of America, 1990. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
This poster about an employee who couldn't fit through the door explains the unreasonable situations citizens with disabilities had to deal with before the ADA.
Bremer, Terry. Job Applicant. 1990. Photograph. Disability History Museum. Disability History Museum--Job Applicant. NEC Foundation Of America, 1990. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
This poster represents the laws the Americans with Disabilities Act put in place regarding employment. After the ADA, if you overlooked a disabled job applicant, it was considered a crime.
Congressman Duncan Hunter. N.d. Photograph. Duncan Hunter United States Congress. Web.
This is a picture of Congressman Duncan Hunter, which we used on our current challenges page under the ADA Notification Act of 2013 section.
Deaf-Blind Telephone Communicator. N.d. Photograph. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of a newly released deaf-blind communicator. Telecommunication devices like this are being created by companies to add accessibility for disabled people in our community. They are allowing disabled citizens to be even further integrated into society.
Disabled Employees in the United Kingdom. N.d. Photograph. HR Magazine UK, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of disabled employees working in the United Kingdom. After the ADA, UK adopted similar laws giving disabled people the rights they deserved. The UK was also influenced by the ADA to end discrimination in employment.
Disability Rights, United Kingdom Cartoon. N.d. Photograph. Regard. Regard UK. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a political cartoon of a disability rights protest in the United Kingdom. The ADA influenced many countries, including the UK, to pass rights for the disabled.
Embassy of Sweden Logo. N.d. Photograph. ICA. ICA. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a logo of Embassy of Sweden that we used on the international impact page representing that they approved a Swedish disability act to be signed.
Employment Ad. N.d. Photograph. Disability History Museum. Straight Ahead Pictures, Inc., 2011. Web. 26 Jan. 2013.
This is an employment ad showing how the ADA has positively affected accommodations that relates to employment.
Employment Button. 2010. Photograph. Foward. Feminists with Disabilities for a Way Foward. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of an employment button stating that disabled people want jobs. Today, employment is one of the biggest issues that the disabled community is facing.
European Network In Independent Living Logo. N.d. Photograph. European Network on Independent Living. European Network on Independent Living. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
This photograph is important to us it showed us how the Independent Living Movement in Berkeley has affected the whole world.
Fair Housing. N.d. Photograph. Las Cruces. City of Las Cruces. Las Cruces. Web. 14 Oct. 2012.
This picture shows that the Fair Housing Law had to be implemented. This law allowed anyone, including people with disabilities, to be able to buy and own a house.
Frank Bowe. N.d. Photograph. MetroWest. Center for Independent Living, Inc. Web. 12 May 2013.
This is a picture of Frank Bowe. He was a very important disability activist and leader.
Fred Fay. N.d. Photograph. Ability Chicago. Web. 11 May 2013.
This is a picture of Fred Fay. He was a major disability activist and a disability policy adviser.
Gardella, Winifred. Polio Poster Girl Cured. 1950. Photograph. March of Dimes, San Francisco.
This poster of Winifred Gardella, who was a poster child for the March of Dimes, shows a social perception that disabled are not good how they are and they need to be cured or fixed.
Greyhound Bus Logo. N.d. Photograph. Ohio. Metro. Summit County, Ohio. Web.
This is a picture of the Greyhound logo. The Greyhound buses was one of the organizations that was against the ADA being signed.
Greyhound Bus Poster, ADAPT Headquarters - Austin, TX. Personal photograph by author. 2012.
This is a picture of a Greyhound Bus poster from the ADAPT headquarters showing that the disabled were determined to have accommodations on those buses. The Greyhound Bus Protests were a series of organizations to fight for access and accommodations towards the Greyhound Bus Company.
Holdrigde, David. Nothing About Us Without Us. N.d. Photograph. Bridging the Divide. Bridging the Divide, 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2012.
This picture has the famous logo "Nothing about Us without Us" on a banner held by disabled people. It shows that the disabled community wanted to be involved with any decisions about them.
Inclusion Circle. N.d. Photograph. Tips on Recruiting & Hiring People with Disabilities. Online Human Resources. Web.
This is a picture of paper-cut-out people of all skin tones and races holding hands together representing that we are all human beings that influence each other. There is one person in a wheelchair as well. We thought this image related to the ADA's international influence around the world.
Independent Living Centres: Australia. N.d. Photograph. Independent Living Centres in Australia. Independent Living Centres in Australia, 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2013.
This photograph is very important because it shows us that the Independent Living Movement has an impact nationally, but also internationally.
Institutionalization: No Way to Live. N.d. Photograph. The Advocacy Monitor. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a poster on Independent Living held up by a protester. They are saying that being institutionalization is the same as not living.
International Symbol of Deaf/Hard of Hearing. N.d. Photograph. Rhode Island.Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. State of Rhode Island. Web. 16 Nov. 2012.
This is a picture of the hearing impaired logo. The Telecommunications for the Disabled Act effected hearing impaired by creating TTYs.
Japanese Disabled Employees. N.d. Photograph. Workplace Diversity. Daikin. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of disabled Japanese employees who have easier access to jobs since their disability rights law passed.
Judith Heumann. N.d. Photograph. U.S Department of State. U.S Department of State: Diplomacy in Action. U.S Department of State. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Judith Heumann that we used in the interviews page.
Lex Frieden. N.d. Photograph. Newswise. Newswise Inc. Web. 12 May 2013.
This is a picture of Lex Frieden. He was a major disability advocate and policy adviser.
Luxembourg Map. N.d. Photograph. Word Travels. Globe Media. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a map of Luxembourg that we used on our international impact page because it was one of the countries who passed a disability rights legislation influenced by the ADA.
Map of Italy. N.d. Photograph. Tour of Italy. Tour of Italy. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a map of Italy that we used for the international impact page. The ADA influenced disability rights activists in Italy and many other countries to fight for their rights.
Mark Johnson. 2011. Photograph. Starkloff Disability Institute. Starkloff Disability Institute, 13 May 2013. Web. 11 May 2013.
This is a picture of Mark Johnson, a member of ADAPT. We used this picture on our interview page.
Mary Lou Breslin. N.d. Photograph. KQUED Public Media for Northern California. Npr and Pbs, 2007. Web. 30 Mar. 2013.
This photograph was used for the main interview page for Mary Lou Breslin.
NATO. N.d. Photograph. Pennsylvania National Association of Theater Owners. National Association of Theater Owners. Web. 20 Jan. 2013.
This is a picture of the National Association of Theater Owners logo. At first, this organization was against the ADA being passed for the amount of money that would be spent.
Our Homes Not Nursing Homes. N.d. Photograph. The Advocacy Monitor. 8 Feb. 2013. Web.
This is a picture of a poster which was used in protests. It explains how the disabled wanted to live in their own homes not in nursing homes. They want to show people that they are capable to live in their own homes and live a normal and free life.
People in Wheelchairs Forming the Word A-D-A. N.d. Photograph. The Daily Beast. The Newsweek / Daily Beast Company LLC, 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2013.
This is a picture of disabled people who gathered together for ADA's 20th anniversary, and spelled out the word A-D-A in their wheelchairs.
People over Profit. N.d. Photograph. The Advocacy Monitor. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.
This picture was a poster that was held by a protester for the Independent Living Movement. It is saying that just because making communities accessible to the disabled is expensive doesn't mean that disabled people should be institutionalized.
"Please Don't Park Within 8 Feet" Bumper Sticker, ADAPT Headquarters - Austin, TX. Personal photograph by author. 2012.
This picture shows the current day effect of the ADA. On an ADAPT car, a bumper sticker states that you must park 8 feet away due to a wheelchair ramp used to exit the car in a wheelchair.
Richard Thornburgh. 2010. Photograph. The Eisenhower Institute. The Eisenhower Institute. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. <>.
This is a photo of Richard Thornburgh that we used for our interview page.
Robert Burgdorf. N.d. Photograph. University of the District of Columbia. University of the District of Columbia. University of the District of Columbia. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Robert Burgdorf that we used in our interviews page.
Robles, Javier. "Employment Discrimination." Cartoon. ThisAbled Nation. The Bijnor Group, 2008. Web. 7 Mar. 2013.
This cartoon displays the discrimination disabled people faced when applying for a job before the ADA. It shows that the society would hire a clown instead of a disabled person.
Robles, Javier. "Nursing Homes." Cartoon. ThisAbled Nation. The Bijnor Group, 2008. Web. 7 Mar. 2013.
This cartoon illustrates the similarities between nursing homes and jails. It shows how society didn't want to have disabled people in the community so they put them in institutions with terrible conditions, almost like a jail. They were isolated and kept away from the society.
Senator Tom Harkin. N.d. Photograph. United States Senate Decomcratics. United States Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee. United States Senate Democratics. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Senator Tom Harkin that we used in our interviews page.
Social Security Act. 1935. Photograph. Federal Government, Washington D.C. Social Security. American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, 17 Aug. 2010. Web. 15 Mar. 2013.
This Social Security Card represents the Social Security Act of 1935. This act was important in that it provided social security for disabled people, so they could be protected even if they didn't have a job. A card like this could be a person's social security card.
Supreme Court. N.d. Photograph. United States. Freedom from Religion Foundation. Freedom from Religion Foundation, Aug. 2012. Web. 3 Nov. 2012.
This is a picture of the United States Supreme Court. After the ADA was passed, many lawsuits and court cases were filed by disabled people against buildings that did not comply with ADA Accessibility Standards.
This Fight Is Yours. N.d. Photograph. March of Dimes. Academy of Achievement. American Academy of Achievement, Museum of Living History, 1961. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.
We used this poster which advertises the March of Dimes in our Prior Actions slideshow. This poster displayed the first ever poster child, starting the assumption that disabled people were broken or that there was something wrong with them and they needed to be fixed.
"Ugly Law" Cartoon Stereotype. N.d. Photograph. Urban Semiotic. Web. 28 Oct. 2012
This picture represents peoples' perspectives of someone who was considered "Ugly" or disabled. They were considered an unsightly or disgusting object as represented in this picture.
United Kingdom. N.d. Photograph. Maps of the World. Compare Infobase. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a basic map of the United Kingdom that we used in our international impact page. The ADA influenced UK and many other countries to end discrimination against disabled people.
Vocational Rehabilitation Training. N.d. Photograph. Jewish Archives, Brooklyn, Coney Island.
This picture shows an example of civilians receiving vocational rehabilitation training under the Civilians Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1920, or the Smith Fess Act. With this training, disabled people could learn skills that might help them get employed.
William Roper. N.d. Photograph. UNC School of Medicine. UNC School of Medicine. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of William Roper that we used in our interview page.
Yoshiko and Justin Dart. N.d. Photograph. The University of Montana. Human and Family Development. The University of Montana. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Yoshiko and Justin Dart that we used on our interviews page.
The picture portrays a disabled person begging in the streets. It shows two "able bodied" citizens encountering the beggar looking offended at the by his looks because he was disabled. This replicated what people thought of the disabled therefore why the "Ugly Laws" put in place.
2009 International Day. N.d. Photograph. Development Disabilities Association. Development Disabilities Association. Web. 24 Nov. 2012.
This picture is the poster for the 2009 International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This poster was displayed in the United Kingdom and in many other countries.
Accessible ATM Machine. N.d. Photograph. Business Today. Business Today. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This picture shows a disabled person in a wheelchair who is able to access an ATM machine because it is properly accommodated. This picture is after the ADA and it shows the improvements the ADA has made to society for disabled people including accessibility.
ADA and ADAAA. N.d. Photograph. Job Accommodation Network. Web. 13 Mar. 2013.
This picture explained the difference between the ADA and the ADA Amendments Act. The ADA Amendments Act added the clarification on the definition of disability.
Air Carrier Access. N.d. Photograph. Accessible Journies. Air Carrier Access Act. Accessible Journies. Web. 4 Nov. 2012.
This picture shows a disabled person carried into a airplane. The disabled were only able to get in to airplanes after the Air Carrier Access Act was passed in 1986.
Andrew Card. N.d. Photograph. Texas A&M University. Marketing & Communications News Archive. Texas A&M University. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of Andrew Card that we used in our interview page.
Bob Kafka. N.d. Photograph. Chicago-Sun Times. Web. 12 May 2013.
This is a picture of Bob Kafka. Bob Kafka was the co-founder of ADAPT of Texas and a major activist. He was part of the Capitol Protest which was the final push to get the ADA signed.
Braille Service Signs. N.d. Photograph. University of South Alabama Publication Services. University of South Alabama. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of service signs (restroom, stairway, etc.) that have braille writing underneath. It shows how currently there are many things done to help the disabled be better integrated into society.
Bremer, Terry. Getting A Foot In The Door. 1990. Photograph. Disability History Museum.Disability History Museum--Getting A Foot In The Door. NEC Foundation Of America, 1990. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
This poster about an employee who couldn't fit through the door explains the unreasonable situations citizens with disabilities had to deal with before the ADA.
Bremer, Terry. Job Applicant. 1990. Photograph. Disability History Museum. Disability History Museum--Job Applicant. NEC Foundation Of America, 1990. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
This poster represents the laws the Americans with Disabilities Act put in place regarding employment. After the ADA, if you overlooked a disabled job applicant, it was considered a crime.
Congressman Duncan Hunter. N.d. Photograph. Duncan Hunter United States Congress. Web.
This is a picture of Congressman Duncan Hunter, which we used on our current challenges page under the ADA Notification Act of 2013 section.
Deaf-Blind Telephone Communicator. N.d. Photograph. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of a newly released deaf-blind communicator. Telecommunication devices like this are being created by companies to add accessibility for disabled people in our community. They are allowing disabled citizens to be even further integrated into society.
Disabled Employees in the United Kingdom. N.d. Photograph. HR Magazine UK, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of disabled employees working in the United Kingdom. After the ADA, UK adopted similar laws giving disabled people the rights they deserved. The UK was also influenced by the ADA to end discrimination in employment.
Disability Rights, United Kingdom Cartoon. N.d. Photograph. Regard. Regard UK. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a political cartoon of a disability rights protest in the United Kingdom. The ADA influenced many countries, including the UK, to pass rights for the disabled.
Embassy of Sweden Logo. N.d. Photograph. ICA. ICA. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a logo of Embassy of Sweden that we used on the international impact page representing that they approved a Swedish disability act to be signed.
Employment Ad. N.d. Photograph. Disability History Museum. Straight Ahead Pictures, Inc., 2011. Web. 26 Jan. 2013.
This is an employment ad showing how the ADA has positively affected accommodations that relates to employment.
Employment Button. 2010. Photograph. Foward. Feminists with Disabilities for a Way Foward. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of an employment button stating that disabled people want jobs. Today, employment is one of the biggest issues that the disabled community is facing.
European Network In Independent Living Logo. N.d. Photograph. European Network on Independent Living. European Network on Independent Living. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
This photograph is important to us it showed us how the Independent Living Movement in Berkeley has affected the whole world.
Fair Housing. N.d. Photograph. Las Cruces. City of Las Cruces. Las Cruces. Web. 14 Oct. 2012.
This picture shows that the Fair Housing Law had to be implemented. This law allowed anyone, including people with disabilities, to be able to buy and own a house.
Frank Bowe. N.d. Photograph. MetroWest. Center for Independent Living, Inc. Web. 12 May 2013.
This is a picture of Frank Bowe. He was a very important disability activist and leader.
Fred Fay. N.d. Photograph. Ability Chicago. Web. 11 May 2013.
This is a picture of Fred Fay. He was a major disability activist and a disability policy adviser.
Gardella, Winifred. Polio Poster Girl Cured. 1950. Photograph. March of Dimes, San Francisco.
This poster of Winifred Gardella, who was a poster child for the March of Dimes, shows a social perception that disabled are not good how they are and they need to be cured or fixed.
Greyhound Bus Logo. N.d. Photograph. Ohio. Metro. Summit County, Ohio. Web.
This is a picture of the Greyhound logo. The Greyhound buses was one of the organizations that was against the ADA being signed.
Greyhound Bus Poster, ADAPT Headquarters - Austin, TX. Personal photograph by author. 2012.
This is a picture of a Greyhound Bus poster from the ADAPT headquarters showing that the disabled were determined to have accommodations on those buses. The Greyhound Bus Protests were a series of organizations to fight for access and accommodations towards the Greyhound Bus Company.
Holdrigde, David. Nothing About Us Without Us. N.d. Photograph. Bridging the Divide. Bridging the Divide, 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2012.
This picture has the famous logo "Nothing about Us without Us" on a banner held by disabled people. It shows that the disabled community wanted to be involved with any decisions about them.
Inclusion Circle. N.d. Photograph. Tips on Recruiting & Hiring People with Disabilities. Online Human Resources. Web.
This is a picture of paper-cut-out people of all skin tones and races holding hands together representing that we are all human beings that influence each other. There is one person in a wheelchair as well. We thought this image related to the ADA's international influence around the world.
Independent Living Centres: Australia. N.d. Photograph. Independent Living Centres in Australia. Independent Living Centres in Australia, 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2013.
This photograph is very important because it shows us that the Independent Living Movement has an impact nationally, but also internationally.
Institutionalization: No Way to Live. N.d. Photograph. The Advocacy Monitor. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a poster on Independent Living held up by a protester. They are saying that being institutionalization is the same as not living.
International Symbol of Deaf/Hard of Hearing. N.d. Photograph. Rhode Island.Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. State of Rhode Island. Web. 16 Nov. 2012.
This is a picture of the hearing impaired logo. The Telecommunications for the Disabled Act effected hearing impaired by creating TTYs.
Japanese Disabled Employees. N.d. Photograph. Workplace Diversity. Daikin. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of disabled Japanese employees who have easier access to jobs since their disability rights law passed.
Judith Heumann. N.d. Photograph. U.S Department of State. U.S Department of State: Diplomacy in Action. U.S Department of State. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Judith Heumann that we used in the interviews page.
Lex Frieden. N.d. Photograph. Newswise. Newswise Inc. Web. 12 May 2013.
This is a picture of Lex Frieden. He was a major disability advocate and policy adviser.
Luxembourg Map. N.d. Photograph. Word Travels. Globe Media. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a map of Luxembourg that we used on our international impact page because it was one of the countries who passed a disability rights legislation influenced by the ADA.
Map of Italy. N.d. Photograph. Tour of Italy. Tour of Italy. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a map of Italy that we used for the international impact page. The ADA influenced disability rights activists in Italy and many other countries to fight for their rights.
Mark Johnson. 2011. Photograph. Starkloff Disability Institute. Starkloff Disability Institute, 13 May 2013. Web. 11 May 2013.
This is a picture of Mark Johnson, a member of ADAPT. We used this picture on our interview page.
Mary Lou Breslin. N.d. Photograph. KQUED Public Media for Northern California. Npr and Pbs, 2007. Web. 30 Mar. 2013.
This photograph was used for the main interview page for Mary Lou Breslin.
NATO. N.d. Photograph. Pennsylvania National Association of Theater Owners. National Association of Theater Owners. Web. 20 Jan. 2013.
This is a picture of the National Association of Theater Owners logo. At first, this organization was against the ADA being passed for the amount of money that would be spent.
Our Homes Not Nursing Homes. N.d. Photograph. The Advocacy Monitor. 8 Feb. 2013. Web.
This is a picture of a poster which was used in protests. It explains how the disabled wanted to live in their own homes not in nursing homes. They want to show people that they are capable to live in their own homes and live a normal and free life.
People in Wheelchairs Forming the Word A-D-A. N.d. Photograph. The Daily Beast. The Newsweek / Daily Beast Company LLC, 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2013.
This is a picture of disabled people who gathered together for ADA's 20th anniversary, and spelled out the word A-D-A in their wheelchairs.
People over Profit. N.d. Photograph. The Advocacy Monitor. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.
This picture was a poster that was held by a protester for the Independent Living Movement. It is saying that just because making communities accessible to the disabled is expensive doesn't mean that disabled people should be institutionalized.
"Please Don't Park Within 8 Feet" Bumper Sticker, ADAPT Headquarters - Austin, TX. Personal photograph by author. 2012.
This picture shows the current day effect of the ADA. On an ADAPT car, a bumper sticker states that you must park 8 feet away due to a wheelchair ramp used to exit the car in a wheelchair.
Richard Thornburgh. 2010. Photograph. The Eisenhower Institute. The Eisenhower Institute. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. <>.
This is a photo of Richard Thornburgh that we used for our interview page.
Robert Burgdorf. N.d. Photograph. University of the District of Columbia. University of the District of Columbia. University of the District of Columbia. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Robert Burgdorf that we used in our interviews page.
Robles, Javier. "Employment Discrimination." Cartoon. ThisAbled Nation. The Bijnor Group, 2008. Web. 7 Mar. 2013.
This cartoon displays the discrimination disabled people faced when applying for a job before the ADA. It shows that the society would hire a clown instead of a disabled person.
Robles, Javier. "Nursing Homes." Cartoon. ThisAbled Nation. The Bijnor Group, 2008. Web. 7 Mar. 2013.
This cartoon illustrates the similarities between nursing homes and jails. It shows how society didn't want to have disabled people in the community so they put them in institutions with terrible conditions, almost like a jail. They were isolated and kept away from the society.
Senator Tom Harkin. N.d. Photograph. United States Senate Decomcratics. United States Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee. United States Senate Democratics. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Senator Tom Harkin that we used in our interviews page.
Social Security Act. 1935. Photograph. Federal Government, Washington D.C. Social Security. American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, 17 Aug. 2010. Web. 15 Mar. 2013.
This Social Security Card represents the Social Security Act of 1935. This act was important in that it provided social security for disabled people, so they could be protected even if they didn't have a job. A card like this could be a person's social security card.
Supreme Court. N.d. Photograph. United States. Freedom from Religion Foundation. Freedom from Religion Foundation, Aug. 2012. Web. 3 Nov. 2012.
This is a picture of the United States Supreme Court. After the ADA was passed, many lawsuits and court cases were filed by disabled people against buildings that did not comply with ADA Accessibility Standards.
This Fight Is Yours. N.d. Photograph. March of Dimes. Academy of Achievement. American Academy of Achievement, Museum of Living History, 1961. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.
We used this poster which advertises the March of Dimes in our Prior Actions slideshow. This poster displayed the first ever poster child, starting the assumption that disabled people were broken or that there was something wrong with them and they needed to be fixed.
"Ugly Law" Cartoon Stereotype. N.d. Photograph. Urban Semiotic. Web. 28 Oct. 2012
This picture represents peoples' perspectives of someone who was considered "Ugly" or disabled. They were considered an unsightly or disgusting object as represented in this picture.
United Kingdom. N.d. Photograph. Maps of the World. Compare Infobase. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This is a basic map of the United Kingdom that we used in our international impact page. The ADA influenced UK and many other countries to end discrimination against disabled people.
Vocational Rehabilitation Training. N.d. Photograph. Jewish Archives, Brooklyn, Coney Island.
This picture shows an example of civilians receiving vocational rehabilitation training under the Civilians Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1920, or the Smith Fess Act. With this training, disabled people could learn skills that might help them get employed.
William Roper. N.d. Photograph. UNC School of Medicine. UNC School of Medicine. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a picture of William Roper that we used in our interview page.
Yoshiko and Justin Dart. N.d. Photograph. The University of Montana. Human and Family Development. The University of Montana. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
This is a photo of Yoshiko and Justin Dart that we used on our interviews page.
"Americans With Disabilities Act Quotes." Cry Wolf Project. Cry Wolf Project, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2013.
This website contained quotes about the opponents of the ADA. The quotes helped us understand the controversial points of it and why some people were against the signing of the ADA.
"Amy's Threads." Amy's First History Quilt. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013.
This website had a whole quilt on the the disability rights movement history. We were able to use some of the quilt squares through our website.
"Bender Consulting." Services. N.p., n.d.
This website gave us information on what is currently being done to help the disabled get employed. Bender Consulting Services help train the disabled people and then they are hired to work at an actual company. So this was a very informative website with great information.
"Did the Disabilities Act Backfire?" Time Magazine. Time U.S, n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2013.
This article gave us the negative perspective of the ADA. It stated reasons and facts why critics were against it. We were able to use the headline in our negative consequences page.
Evans, John. "The Independent Living Movement in the UK." Independent Living Institute. Independent Living Institute, 2003. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This website helped us figure out how the independent living movement impacted the world. John Evans, an independent living movement activists, talks about how the US influenced their own demonstrations in the UK.
"I'd Rather Go to Jail Than to Die in a Nursing Home." ADAPT:. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013.
We used this website to gain information on the ADAPT conquest for better access to transportation. From this page, we ended up using a quote on the social movement page.
"International Disability Rights Monitor (IDRM) Publications - - Compendium - Italy."IDEAnet. IDEAnet, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This website informed us of the disability rights laws passed in Italy.
Khadaroo, Stacy Teicher. "Disabled Americans: Jobless Rate Still High 22 Years after Landmark Law." The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 26 July 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2013.
This article introduced us to the fact that many disabled people started their own companies after facing employment challenges. We were able to find statistics comparing the non-disabled and disabled self-employed populations that we used to make a graph.
"Kids on the Block." Kids on the Block. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This website was a great resource for information and pictures about the telecommunication improvements after the ADA. It contained pictures and descriptions, helping us clearly understand the use of each device.
Matsui, Ryosuke. "Employment Measures for Persons with Disabilities in Japan."Employment Measures for Persons with Disabilities in Japan. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This website informed us about the disability rights law passed in Japan. We were also able to get the current employment rates for the disabled living there.
Mercer, Joyce. "An Unusual Reunion at Gallaudet -- 10 Years After Push for 'Deaf President Now'" An Unusual Reunion at Gallaudet -- 10 Years After Push for 'Deaf President Now' The Chronicle of Higher Education, 20 Mar. 1998. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.
This website is important to us by giving us an understanding of Elizabeth Zinser, former president of Gallaudet University, and her role in DPN. Because of this website, we can see how DPN has affected the former president and her feelings towards the movement.
"Minnesota's Disability Community Newspaper « Access Press." Minnesota's Disability Community Newspaper « Access Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.
This website helped give us a basic idea of what the Ugly Laws was and important facts about it. Also, it provided some valuable quotes and information that helped us in producing the Ugly Law section of our website
Moore, Dorothy P. "ADA Makes Positive Impact on Small Business." ADA Makes Positive Impact on Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This website contained a very informative article about the positive impact ADA had on employment.
"Photographs." Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 25 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This website is important to us because it helped us show how important Ed Roberts was in helping create the first center for independent living. Also, this website gave us great photographs involving the independent living movement.
"Section 504 Handbook." Section 504 Handbook. N.p., n.d. Web. Dec.
Using this website, we found information regarding the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 504
of this act. It educated us by explaining the wording of Section 504 and how it impacted the disabled.
"TDI - Resources." TDI - Resources. Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inc., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013.
We were able to gather our data to make our graph on the telecommunications page because of this website. This website as a full history on telecommunications and it's impact in the disabled community.
"The Rehabilitation Act of 1973." The Rehabilitation Act of 1973. N.p., n.d. Web.
This website helped us learn about the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all of the different sections of the act. It talked about what the Act included and what each section stated. From this website, we were able to get basic knowledge that we used throughout the project.
"UK Equality Act 2010." UK Equality Act 2010. Disabled World Towards Tomorrow, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This website informed us about the disability rights law passed in the United Kingdom and this was very informative.
This website contained quotes about the opponents of the ADA. The quotes helped us understand the controversial points of it and why some people were against the signing of the ADA.
"Amy's Threads." Amy's First History Quilt. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013.
This website had a whole quilt on the the disability rights movement history. We were able to use some of the quilt squares through our website.
"Bender Consulting." Services. N.p., n.d.
This website gave us information on what is currently being done to help the disabled get employed. Bender Consulting Services help train the disabled people and then they are hired to work at an actual company. So this was a very informative website with great information.
"Did the Disabilities Act Backfire?" Time Magazine. Time U.S, n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2013.
This article gave us the negative perspective of the ADA. It stated reasons and facts why critics were against it. We were able to use the headline in our negative consequences page.
Evans, John. "The Independent Living Movement in the UK." Independent Living Institute. Independent Living Institute, 2003. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This website helped us figure out how the independent living movement impacted the world. John Evans, an independent living movement activists, talks about how the US influenced their own demonstrations in the UK.
"I'd Rather Go to Jail Than to Die in a Nursing Home." ADAPT:. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013.
We used this website to gain information on the ADAPT conquest for better access to transportation. From this page, we ended up using a quote on the social movement page.
"International Disability Rights Monitor (IDRM) Publications - - Compendium - Italy."IDEAnet. IDEAnet, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This website informed us of the disability rights laws passed in Italy.
Khadaroo, Stacy Teicher. "Disabled Americans: Jobless Rate Still High 22 Years after Landmark Law." The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 26 July 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2013.
This article introduced us to the fact that many disabled people started their own companies after facing employment challenges. We were able to find statistics comparing the non-disabled and disabled self-employed populations that we used to make a graph.
"Kids on the Block." Kids on the Block. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
This website was a great resource for information and pictures about the telecommunication improvements after the ADA. It contained pictures and descriptions, helping us clearly understand the use of each device.
Matsui, Ryosuke. "Employment Measures for Persons with Disabilities in Japan."Employment Measures for Persons with Disabilities in Japan. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This website informed us about the disability rights law passed in Japan. We were also able to get the current employment rates for the disabled living there.
Mercer, Joyce. "An Unusual Reunion at Gallaudet -- 10 Years After Push for 'Deaf President Now'" An Unusual Reunion at Gallaudet -- 10 Years After Push for 'Deaf President Now' The Chronicle of Higher Education, 20 Mar. 1998. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.
This website is important to us by giving us an understanding of Elizabeth Zinser, former president of Gallaudet University, and her role in DPN. Because of this website, we can see how DPN has affected the former president and her feelings towards the movement.
"Minnesota's Disability Community Newspaper « Access Press." Minnesota's Disability Community Newspaper « Access Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.
This website helped give us a basic idea of what the Ugly Laws was and important facts about it. Also, it provided some valuable quotes and information that helped us in producing the Ugly Law section of our website
Moore, Dorothy P. "ADA Makes Positive Impact on Small Business." ADA Makes Positive Impact on Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This website contained a very informative article about the positive impact ADA had on employment.
"Photographs." Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 25 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This website is important to us because it helped us show how important Ed Roberts was in helping create the first center for independent living. Also, this website gave us great photographs involving the independent living movement.
"Section 504 Handbook." Section 504 Handbook. N.p., n.d. Web. Dec.
Using this website, we found information regarding the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 504
of this act. It educated us by explaining the wording of Section 504 and how it impacted the disabled.
"TDI - Resources." TDI - Resources. Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inc., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013.
We were able to gather our data to make our graph on the telecommunications page because of this website. This website as a full history on telecommunications and it's impact in the disabled community.
"The Rehabilitation Act of 1973." The Rehabilitation Act of 1973. N.p., n.d. Web.
This website helped us learn about the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all of the different sections of the act. It talked about what the Act included and what each section stated. From this website, we were able to get basic knowledge that we used throughout the project.
"UK Equality Act 2010." UK Equality Act 2010. Disabled World Towards Tomorrow, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.
This website informed us about the disability rights law passed in the United Kingdom and this was very informative.