"There are plenty of examples that show that we have a long way to go, but that's not the same as saying that the ADA hasn't made any difference at all."
Jonathan M. Young, Personal Interview - March 6, 2013
Jonathan M. Young, Personal Interview - March 6, 2013
Current Challenges
Now, more than twenty years after the passage of the ADA, new barriers in technology and society hinder the seamless integration of disabled people. Much of the internet and social networking world is still inaccessible to the disabled. Furthermore, psychological fears still inhabit some disabled, preventing them from embracing their new found opportunities. From an economic standpoint, employment remains a hurdle.
"The amazing advent of computers and other technology opens many closed doors for people with disabilities. But unless the internet is accessible, these advances could also threaten to return people with disabilities to second-class status."
Arlene Mayerson, Personal Interview - February 22, 2013
Arlene Mayerson, Personal Interview - February 22, 2013
"Dependent attitudes on the part of disabled still persist by hoping or expecting somehow others should or will provide them what they need; lack of “I/We Can” mentality, understanding, fighting spirit and attitude."
Yoshiko Dart, Personal Interview - March 20, 2013
Yoshiko Dart, Personal Interview - March 20, 2013
Frivolous ADA lawsuits brought by unethical lawyers have prompted government responses. Inconsistent enforcement continues to plague the disabled community.
ADA Notification Act
"...There are big gaps in enforcement of the ADA’s requirements and some entities covered by the ADA have taken an I-won’t-do-anything-until-I’m-sued attitude..."
Professor Robert Burgdorf, Personal Interview - March 6, 2013
Professor Robert Burgdorf, Personal Interview - March 6, 2013